Simple Passive Cashfow

Podcast #41 – Fundamentals – Mindset w/ Casey Stanton – Peer Groups, Conations, Functional Teams

Casey is an Outsourced Chief Marketing Officer and his team is available to help organizations that have reached a ceiling of complexity and need marketing and tech implementation to break free. The Tech Guys Who Get Marketing team is the company the “big guys” use when it comes to building complex technology as well as sophisticated marketing engines. Check them out at, or check Casey’s Outsourced Chief Marketing and Chief Technology Officer Consultancy out at You can also find Casey on Facebook at where he talks about his approach to business called Functional Marketing™.

Topics we talked about:
How he decided to not go down the W2 road
Four Hour Work Week take aways – time is more important!
Conation – natural behavior of how you approach the world – don’t be too analytical
How to tell if your marketing is dysfunctional – Tracking is everything!
Are you a learner, maximizer, analyzer?
Your peer group can be the end of you – mute the right people on social media
Focus on your escape velocity
Email me for a free Burnzone book if you are interested in the AHP fund
Design you life if you could do anything – what is your creative passion
Futurist ideas on jobs
Put yourself in the best situation based on your skills – Functional Teams – This is a concept I’ve put together that helps entrepreneurs pull together teams to support themselves or buttress their weaknesses. The first key piece of this is understanding ones conation. I am really passionate about people understanding their conation (natural behavior, ever since they were a child). There are a few assessments people can take to help them self-identify. By knowing your conation, you can set yourself up for success more effectively. These strategies come from the Wunderlick Test’s creator’s daughter Kathy Kolbe and management king Peter Drucker.
The happiest people out there teachers have to grade papers or edit podcasts
How to build Functional Teams in order to get more done and have more fun

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