Simple Passive Cashfow

Best Credit Cards

Are you looking to build your Tradeline roster or simply get the best cashback/reward terms? These are the credit cards that Lane recommends and has himself.

Personal Business Cards

Blue Cash Preferred® Card

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

The Platinum Card®

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

Business Cards (For LLCs)

American Express Blue Business Cash™ Card

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

Amazon Business Prime American Express Card

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

American Express SimplyCash(SM)for Business

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

American Express SimplyCash(SM)for Business

Why? (+ Pros - Cons)

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1) LP Syndication Guides & Turnkey Rentals

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3) Free Trial of Passive Investor Accelerator eCourse

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