Get out, Get up, and Get Some!

WIth over 400 calls over the past 18 months with investors like yourself, I am amazed how many people get excited about real estate investing and financial freedom but don’t follow through with the action of dipping their toes into Private Money Lending or a Turnkey Rental. Sign up for a call… all I ask is […]
Using Life Insurance to be your own bank

This page has been updated here. Video: Using Life Insurance to be your own bank Find more videos in the video section. And please share the podcast by emailing it (I know you guys don’t want to share on social media because you are scared of others knowing that you are going to quit your […]
SPC065 – #LaneHack – Resonance Frequency & 10 ways to appear engaged at your day job

Happy Independence Day! It is currently my 10 year anniversary of working and being a productive adult in the workforce Somewhere along the way I found my way into this real estate investing and dedicated my efforts to building passive streams of income to do what I want, where I want, with who I want […]
Podcast#60 – #LaneHack – Lease Don’t Buy, Push money into the future and invest

–Link to Apple financing -Invest and use your money to grow 15-20%. -This lease vs buy analysis guide describes various aspects of the lease/buy decision. -Cash flow: Leasing often has a lower monthly payment compared to financing with the same loan terms, since with a lease you’re paying for the depreciation during those years […]
Podcast#57 – #LaneHack – Computer productivity hacks

Time is the Most Important thing! Time is short we are limited in the number of days we have. The other day I need to scrub rebt rolls and get Zillow… perfect job for a VA. Pull alll vendors and email for Atlanta Indy Birmingham. Use the VAs I use with 10 hours for free. […]
Podcast#53 – #LaneHack – Gary Vaynerchuk – Three Keys to Success

Self Awareness – Know your skill set. Hard Work – Out of the three this is what you have most control of. Empathy – Without this you will not be a good Leader and your business will eventually fail.
SPC051 – #LaneHack – Using VAs

Time is the Most Important thing! Va time is short limited number of days the other day I need to scrub rebt rolls and get Zillow Pull alll vendors and email for Atlanta Indy Birmingham
Podcast #46 – #LaneHack – Getting creative with reminder emails to yourself in the future

Use this link to give it a try! Automate your repetitive reminders
Podcast #44 – #LaneHack – Automate your meeting scheduling handles scheduling one-on-one meetings directly from your Gmail and Google Calendar. Select the days and times you’re available and then share those slots with your contacts. The app continuously monitors your schedule to eliminate double bookings and time zone mistakes. Invitees can select their desired meeting time simply by clicking in the email, and the […]