June 2021 Monthly Market Update

What’s up everybody. This is the June, 2021 monthly market update, where we go over all the important things that have been happening in the news that will impact your investing. But so let’s get into it. Easter egg for this month. Little bit of a joke here. It’s a little Mimi here. Taxation is […]
Intro to Cryptocurrency w/ Bob Burnett (Part 2 of 2)

Hey, simple passive cashflow listeners. Today, we have part two of the crypto currency, alternative Bitcoin, all things crypto and why this is, the big theme here is freedom, right? Professor for freedom, but this is taking the control out of governments and where monetary policy is going. If you guys want to go […]
Beyond Accredited Status – The SPC Mission

Hey guys, on today’s podcast, you’re going to be learning about how this will pass a casual mission has been changing and a little bit about masterminding and what happens when you go beyond accredited status and the still idea that I’ve coined the phrase called first-generation. Personally. , my parents didn’t have a million […]
Intro to Cryptocurrency w/ Bob Burnett (Part 1 of 2)

Hey, what’s up simple passive cashflow listeners. Now I wanted to announce a new project I got going on. The rich uncle YouTube channel. So those of you guys have been following me for the past several years since we started this podcast back in 2016, simple passive cashflow started off with me buying some […]
May 2021 Monthly Market Update

What’s up everybody. We are going to be doing the monthly market update for May, where we go over the. Latest happenings across the headlines of what’s impacting our bottom line as investors and what to be on the lookout for in the future. My name is Lanco Oka. I read simple passive cashflow.com, currently […]
Are Bridge Debt and Pref Equity Good for Deals?

https://youtu.be/vDCJ0suvLac Hey, what’s up simple passive cashflow listeners. Now I wanted to announce a new project I got going on. The rich uncle YouTube channel. So those of you guys have been following me for the past several years since we started this podcast back in 2016, simple passive cashflow started off with me buying […]
Taking Profit First w/ Mike Michalowicz

Super excited to be having Mike McCalla, widths author of the very popular book profit first now Mike came over to a mastermind that I’m a part of and gave a keynote. And I’ve heard about the whole profit first system, which. Do you guys know Google ed? There’s a chart online where it spells […]
Asset Protection for the Accredited Investor w/ Brian Bradley

What’s up investors on this week, we are going to be talking to a lawyer Diving into some other legal strategies to protect your wealth that you probably don’t hear that often. We’re going to be going over the LLC, and why that may not be the best means to protect your wealth, especially if […]
April 2021 Monthly Market Update

All right. Welcome everybody. This is the April, 2021 monthly market update, or I go over all the latest happenings that impact real estate and by investment portfolio and our, I don’t know about yours. You guys want to check this out on the YouTube channel, go to school, pass a cashflow, search that and. […]
Taking Control of Your Finances w/ Rachel Marshall

Hey, what’s up guys. What I wanted to talk about today was take a pause at this moment in time now. And I just want to, when you guys out to the water gear is I just wanted to ask you a question. Do you know how to catch a wave when you’re surfing? For […]