May 2022 Monthly Market Update

Hey folks. This is the monthly market update where we are going to be going through all of the important articles and packing investors these days. If you haven’t yet checked out my book, the journey to simple passive cashflow, I think it’s like less than a hundred pages. It should be a […]
How to Add “Play” in Your Life

Hey simple, passive cash flow listeners. We are taking a break from the regular hard investing tax, legal podcasts, topic matter and talking a little bit about something that enriches all your guys’ souls out there. Something that I’ve been attuned to since starting the podcast actually, and getting into a lot of personal development […]
What Success Means to Lane Kawaoka

Hey simple, passive cash flow listeners. Today, you’re going to be hearing a pretty good interview that somebody had done on me and just, something that’s been going on in my life is looking for purpose, financially free so early, like many of you, you start to ask the question. After when is enough […]
Raj Interviews Lane | Real Estate Investing for Working Professionals

What’s up simple passive cashflow listeners. Today you’re going to be hearing an interview that I actually thought was pretty good. I go on a lot of these interviews and there’s a lot of lame podcasts and a lot of, even lamer podcasts hosts that just don’t ask very good questions and put me to […]
April 2022 Monthly Market Update

What’s up everybody. This is April 2022 monthly market update where we go over some of the highlights that I saw from the news this week and a little bit of commentary, not too much politics. Cause I think that’s a little bit of a waste of time. But it’s sometimes fun to talk about, […]
Coaching Call – Remote Investor Incubator Student Round Up

What’s up everybody? This is episode 300. We’re going to be doing a little giveaway if you guys stay to the end of this, but where we’ve been in the past, what we started this podcast in 2016, and back then I was still buying little single family homes. Obviously, you know, I came in […]
1.5M Accredited FOOM Member Coaching Call | 1031 Exchange/ Infinite banking / Goals

Hey simple passive cashflow listeners for another week in a row because you guys requested it so much. We are going to be doing another coaching call with yet another accredited investor. You guys seem to really like these and you guys also keep signing up to do more of ’em. If you guys wanna […]
Coaching Call – Accredited Investor/Pilot | Military Retirement | Infinite Banking

Now, today’s podcast. We’re going to be doing a coaching call with an accredited investor. These guys seem to always, really like these because everybody we’re all the same at the table. All good savers work hard. Pay too much taxes and I want to get financial freedom safer and easier. If you guys want […]
Non-qualifying Home Mortgages and HELOCS With Benson Pang

Hey simple passive cashflow listeners. Today’s going to be a little bit more of an advanced topic or for some of you guys save for the later, it’s going to be talking about what do you do to qualify for a really big mortgages when you buy these really big houses that, you shouldn’t be […]
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