How a Near Death Experience Turn Your Life Around

Like you had empathy in the, he gave you empathy to see it from those people, the needy person’s eyes, or was it more, am I going to be I’m on earth for a little bit more? What it was this money? What else could this money be going for? So interesting being dead because […]
Tips to Find the BEST WINE

So you guys are the experts with this. Like, you know, I, I hear two big tips, right? From suppose the wine snobs, which everybody calls themself, a wine stumped. It’s like, hello everybody. I’m an audio file. What do you have apple air? Right. Not an audio file, whatever they call it. I don’t […]
Smart Tip for Your Student Loan

📍 And student loans, like you don’t have too much of it, but tell us a little bit, like where you started off with your strategy. Get to this. Yeah, so a little bit, it goes back. So I did a co-op program. So I, it was a work study. I did five work sessions […]
4 Reasons You Don’t Need a 401k

When I first started getting into financial independence, the first things you find are index funds. And so I just haven’t really looked at it since, and in my opinion, it’s not a significant dollar amount in terms of if the market dropped 50%. Yeah. I’d lose 10 grand or 15 grand. It’s not like […]
Don’t Let Your Money Burn

Now some investors, they have a huge glut of lazy equity, maybe even half a million or $2 million of lazy equity that they haven’t done. Like I said, I’ve seen investors invest a million dollars in the first year with me, but I think that’s an outlier. Right. I suggest people try things out […]
Which is BETTER: Pref Equity OR Traditional Equity?

Another investor asked me one time. What do you think I should do? I’m torn between the two. They both sound right. Well, I asked them the question like, Hey man, how’s your job? Do you think you’re going to get fired any time soon? The company downsize? The reason I asked that as well. […]
Fun Story – Operating/Investing ATM Machines

hey, Simple Passive Cashflow listeners. Today, we have a simple passive cashflow who we deal pipeline club member. Who’s invested in some deals and has an absolutely crazy story to share with you guys. Now, the people that sign up for our group and especially come out to our events are definitely not average. I […]
Quick Announcements + Special Events + Intro to Infinite Banking

This is a special announcement. We are doing a special webinar on September 4th we’ll try and get it done in a couple of hours in a cram school type of format, where we go over the infinite banking policy. A lot of you guys had a lot of questions and we’re going to be […]
Near Death Experiences with Kathy McDaniel

Hey, simple passive cashflow listeners. Today, we have Mary McDonald here who is an author of a great book that you could find on Amazon called misfit and hell to heaven. Ex-pat so the reason why we are bringing. Mary onstage is because we like to do one of these touchy feely podcasts, know, maybe […]
Value Shopping for Wine (Winespies Review)

Yup. We did a big wine tasting yesterday, man. Try 30 different wines. Hey, civil past the cashflow listeners today, we are going to be talking about wine. And not going to be talking too much about investing tax, like how we normally do this is our take a break from the hard stuff and […]